O-SHOT 5.0 treatment

O-shot results from ACREN Clinics are more intense orgasms, more feeling in your clitoris, a ‘juicy’ vagina, higher libido. and helps with vaginal atrophy.
vaginal dryness treatment

O-shot price

O-shot price is € 647 per treatment session (vulva, vagina, G-spot, A-spot and Personal PRP plan). The treatment consists a minium of 3 treatment sessions.
O-shot 5.0? Most powerful O-shot treatment in Europe, safe and affordable for intense sexual pleasure, through vaginal rejuvenation!

What makes the O-shot 5.0 unique?

  1. The collaboration with you as you follow the guidelines in your Personal PRP Plan. This way, the quality of your blood gets much better and enhances the O-shot treatment, even after each treatment session.
  2. The high-quality PRP 5.0 protocol achieves 70% more release of bioactive substances and growth factors, accelerated production of new blood vessels and activation of stem cells.
  3. PRP 5.0 is prepared by experienced nurses and injected at precise sites by urologists specialising in PRP.

Female urologists

O-shot treatments are offered in a variety of clinics as part of a much larger range of treatments. A woman’s intimate zone is a delicate area and as a doctor, you need to be specialised to provide high-quality treatments.
For the O-shots, we only work with very experienced female urologists. They have the most knowledge about the anatomy of the vulva (labia, clitoris and clitoral legs) and vagina (the muscles, A-spot and G-spot). They also have a lot of experience with vaginal atrophy (vaginal dryness), pain during intercourse and enhancing female orgasm.
Because of this knowledge, they know how the nerves and blood vessels run in the labia, clitoris, A-spot and G-spot. With this knowledge and experience, they know exactly where to give the PRP injection, because we don’t want any complications in your intimate zone.

When to choose the O-shot 5.0:

Choosing an O-shot 5.0 treatment makes sense in the following situations:
  • You experience vaginal dryness due to (pre)menopause, this is also called vaginal atrophy.
  • Your vagina becomes moist, but not moist enough to have good sex.
  • Your vagina becomes moist, but you want to experience more intense orgasms by having more sensation in your clitoris, labia and vagina.
  • You want more volume in your labia naturally, without chemical additives.
  • Or you desire a combination of the previous variants.
If your desired variant is not listed, it is practical to make an appointment with one of our urologists to look for an alternative solution.
The O-shot 5.0 application by ACREN Clinics is based on over 10 years of experience in the use of PRP by US, Canadian and Belgian doctors.

What is the O-shot 5.0?

For the O-shot 5.0 treatment, PRP 5.0 is used. The abbreviation PRP 5.0 (LR-PRP) stands for Platelet Rich Plasma which is extracted from your blood by centrifuge. PRP 5.0 is LR-PRP where LR stands for ‘Leukocyte-Rich’. Leukocyte is the name for white blood cells. Within PRP 5.0, exosomes present in the blood are also activated.
Your blood consists of ± 55% plasma, ± 44% red blood cells, <1% white blood cells and 0.2% platelets. The centrifuge separates the plasma, platelets and white blood cells from the red blood cells.

Plasma, platelets, white blood cells and exosomes?

Plasma is 91.5% water and the remaining 8.5% consists of nutrients, vitamins, hormones, electrolytes and many blood proteins. The water in plasma makes it liquid and allows it to be injected.
Platelets are small disc-shaped cells formed in the bone marrow which contain granules containing over 300 bioactive substances and growth factors. They have no nucleus and cannot multiply. The lifespan of a platelet is 5 to 9 days. Platelets have a key role in building new connective tissue and restoring blood supply.
White blood cells provide more release of growth factors. which are directed to make blood vessels and exosomes. These are pieces of cell membrane, which ensure the activation of stem cells to make younger and new tissues or body cells.
You can observe change from: 6 weeks after the first treatment session to 6 months after the last session.

Phases in LR-PRP (PRP 5.0):

Phase 1 (inflammatory phase, lasts about 7 days): The platelets start secreting the stored bioactive substances within 10 minutes of the injection, with more than 95% of the growth factors secreted within 1 hour and at the same time white blood cell recruitment is started. The remaining 5% is secreted in the remaining days of life of the platelets.
Phase 2 (proliferation phase, lasts about 6 weeks): In this phase, the body starts to create new tissue.
Phase 3 (remodelling phase, lasts 6 weeks – 6 months): In this phase, regeneration begins. The new tissue is remodelled and new blood vessels are created.

How does the O-shot 5.0 treatment work?

With the O-Shot 5.0, LR-PRP which consists of white blood cells and platelet-rich plasma, is injected by experienced female urologists into your vagina and vulva. This provides rejuvenation, is against vaginal dryness and gives a more intense sexuality experience.

High-quality PRP

In order to extract high-quality PRP 5.0 from your blood for your O-shot 5.0, it is important that your blood is ‘cleaned’ before each treatment session. This does not eliminate or disrupt the action of the LR-PRP, but rather enhances it. The quality of your blood determines its powerful effect.

Optimal performance of the PRP

How you ‘clean’ your blood and the guidelines for the optimal functioning of the PRP 5.0 will be explained to you in your Personal PRP Plan and during counselling by the medical assistant.

Making the PRP

The nurse takes blood and places it in tubes in the centrifuge after which centrifugation prepares the PRP, leukocytes and exosomes for injection.
The success of an O-shot treatment is determined by the quality of the LR-PRP and by you in following the guidelines before and after the treatment sessions.

Comfort for the patient

Before the O-shot, the skin of your entire vulva and part of your vagina is treated with pre-anaesthetic cream (PH neutral).
For blood sampling, we use very thin needles, so you hardly feel the prick. If you feel more comfortable with preliminary anaesthesia, we use the anaesthetic cream for this too.

Application of preanesthetic ointment

Do you find it uncomfortable when a male nurse applies pre-anaesthetic ointment in your intimate area? You can indicate this in advance. We will take into account, that this is done by a female nurse or female urologist.

For whom is an O-shot 5.0?

The treatment is suitable for women aged 18 and over with a special focus on (pre)menopausal women who desire more intense orgasms or vaginal rejuvenation.
If you have given birth, the treatment will help your vagina and labia recover quickly.

Solving vaginal dryness

If you have pain during intercourse (dyspareaunia), Licen Sclerosus or have vaginal dryness (vaginal atrophy) or want to prevent it, treatment may be a solution.

Labia volume increase

Weight fluctuations or pregnancy reduce the volume of your labia. Treatment with PRP 5.0 increases the volume of your clitoris, labia majora and labia minora by about 10% naturally. This is considered a pleasant side effect of PRP 5.0. The volume gradually decreases from 6 months after your last treatment session.
We are sometimes asked if we can also add hyaluronic acid for a faster effect as an alternative filler, as this attracts more water to the area where it is injected. This gives no added value on a sensory level.
In fact, it is a temporary ‘quick fix’ for aesthetics, but is already out of the body after 24 hours. So the effect is also quickly gone again, unless cross-linked hyaluronic acid is used. This is made by chemical modification, which is why we do not want to use it.

Tighter vagina

The standard treatment also tightens the vaginal wall. Allowing more sensation for both partners during penetration.
treatment vaginal atrophy
You will be contacted by our medical assistants.

Treatment plan

After your first treatment session, you will have your second treatment session 4 – 6 weeks later and your third treatment session again 4 – 6 weeks later. After that, you come back every 12 – 18 months for your maintenance treatment.
The three treatment moments are part of the treatment plan which starts 2 – 4 weeks (depending on your current blood quality) before the first treatment session and runs until 6 weeks after the third session.
We count from the first telephone contact with your ACREN Clinics medical assistant to set treatment dates.
In practice, it happens that ladies like the effect so much that they make an appointment for maintenance after only 3 – 6 months. This can and may be done, whereby we rely on your own sense of touch.

Personal PRP plan

In the telephone conversation where the treatment dates are set, the medical assistant will ask some questions that are necessary to create your Personal PRP plan. You have a lot of influence on the blood quality when your blood is taken. Before and after the treatment session, you have a lot of influence on the effect of your O-shot treatment.
How you do this we explain in your Personal PRP plan. In the plan, we indicate when you need to do what on which date. This is in relation to the three treatment dates.
For your Personal PRP plan, you will be sent a link by e-mail (no hotmail) with the login code that will take you to the page with your Personal PRP plan.

Content Personal PRP plan

The plan starts 2 – 4 weeks before your first O-shot and runs until 6 weeks after the third treatment session and covers the following points, among others:
  • Cortisone
  • Anti-inflammatories
  • Antibiotics
  • Blood thinners
  • Cholesterol
  • Heat
  • Exercise
  • Alcohol, tobacco, caffeine and drugs
  • Etc

O-shot treatment

In advance

  • You have clicked on the MAKE an APPOINTMENT button, filled in the request form and pressed submit.
  • The application arrives at our service desk. The medical assistant who will accompany you will review your answers to the questions and start calling you for the intake and scheduling of your treatment. The period between making the appointment and the first treatment session is at least 2 weeks, as we need this period to ‘clean’ your blood.
  • After the three treatment dates and times have been set, the medical assistant will send you an e-mail message containing the appointment confirmation, the address of the private clinic, the name of the treating doctor, the link to your Personal PRP plan and password.
  • The medical assistant will ask you to send a reply once you have received the e-mail so that you can start preparing.

Treatment session

  • The nurse will welcome you and take you to the treatment room. Here you can lie down on the treatment table, after removing your underwear.
  • The nurse will take a few tubes of blood and put them in the centrifuge.
  • The nurse then applies a pre-aneasthesia cream to your vulva and vagina. This gives a warm feeling locally.
  • After 5 minutes, the centrifuge is finished and you can feel the preanaesthetic  cream working.The nurse makes sure the LR-PRP is ready for injection.
  • About 15 minutes after you lie down on the treatment table, the doctor comes to inject the PRP in a gentle manner. In an O-shot, PRP is injected into your labia, clitoris (outer and inner side), into your vaginal muscles, G-spot and A-spot.
  • After that, you are ready to get dressed.
    The entire treatment takes about half an hour.


  • You follow the instructions received through your Personal PRP plan.

Follow up

  • Three months after your last treatment session, your medical assistant will contact you to discuss your progress. In consultation with you, the next contact will be arranged.
Making love in the period between treatment sessions is certainly possible if you feel it can be done.


To pay for your treatment, you can pay in cash or by debit card on the spot (no credit cards).

Private clinics

You will get your O-shot treatment at one of our specialised private clinics in the Antwerp region. Because of our way of planning, we avoid long waiting times.


Private clinics are located outside the center of Antwerp. This prevents you from being bothered by traffic lights and traffic jams in the city. Also, you have the option of free parking.
We are treating women from: Torquay, Bath, Bristol, Norwich, London, Cardiff, Oxford, East Molesey, Birmingham, Leicester, Nottingham, Watford, Reading, Farnborough, Southampton, Glastonbury, Cambridge, Ipswich and many more places.


The distance from Calais to our clinics is about 2.5 hours.


The distance from Zaventem (Brussels airport) to our clinics is about 45 minutes by car or taxi. The distance from Deurne (Antwerp airport) to our clinics is about 30 minutes by car or taxi.
O-shot UK, O shot UK, O shot London, O-shot London,
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