ACREN Clinics

Service desk and Coordination

PLEASE NOTE: NO treatments are performed here!

  • Steenweg op Antwerpen 71 bus 2
  • 2300 Turnhout (Belgium)
  • Phone servicedesk: 085 – 88 81 005
  • Urgent: +32 469 17 33 41 (24 / 7)
  • Mail:
  • KBO-nr: 0477.096.280

Opening hours:

  • Monday to Friday 09:00 – 17:00 (CET)
During opening hours, our service desk is busy. You may be transferred to the external service desk, because we don’t want to keep you on hold unnecessarily. The external service desk employee notes that you have called, after which you will be called back by our medical assistants.

Private clinics

Our andrological, urological and gynaecological PRP 5.0 treatments are performed in private clinics by specialised doctors in the Antwerp region who work according to our strict guidelines. This way, we avoid long waiting times.
ACREN Clinics is a trade name of ID2001 BV


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