Why do patients choose ACREN Clinics?

– ACREN Clinics has the highest PRP grade as standard.
– There’s no hospital atmosphere.
– The nurse applies pre-anaesthetic ointment to the areas to be injected.
– Before and after treatment, you may ask questions to a regular medical assistant.
– Flexibility is a big advantage, as being able to meet during evenings and weekends is also highly appreciated. So there is no need to take days off.

I am on blood thinners, now what?

The INR value (blood coagulation value) should not exceed 2 on the day of the injection. You can discuss with your GP, doctor or thrombosis service in advance how to deal with your blood thinners.

Why do you do a maximum of 3 call attempts?

We are always busy at ACREN Clinics, which is why our medical assistants make three call attempts to reach you at the time you specify. If you don’t answer, we put the initiative to contact you on you.

Why do urologists do the injection?

The intimate area in men and women is a complex entity with fine arteries, blood vessels and veins. This is why we work with only the best urologists. So no plastic surgeons doing the injection, as our urologists do not do vampire shot treatment in the face of patients for the same reason.

How long a treatment lasts

The pre-anaesthetic, blood draw, centrifugation, (needling at Peyronie’s disease) and injection take 30 – 45 minutes.

Can I drive myself?

Driving a car after your treatment session is possible.

Why are the amounts in Euros?

As the GBP exchange rate changes regularly and we settle in Euros, we use the price in Euros on the website.

Why do many Brits go to ACREN Clinics?

The number of doctors who can inject PRP with the same PRP grade is very limited in the UK. In addition, there are no waiting times.

When to pay?

You pay for each treatment session on the spot. This can be done in cash or by debit card (no credit cards).

When does the anaesthetic wear off?

The anaesthetic begins to wear off 1.5 hours after the injection.

Influencing the outcome yourself

You are in control of the success of your PRP treatment. through ACREN Clinics, you will be given a Personal PRP Plan that contains achievable guidelines and practical instructions to help you achieve the best results.

Why don't I see any reviews on the website?

In the medical world, posting reviews and customer scores is seen as unprofessional and too commercial. Women and men who have treatments done by ACREN Clinics have found us through word of mouth or Google.
Usually they are Belgian doctors working for us and for them it is forbidden by law to advertise.
Still have questions? Ask them at servicedesk@acren.uk.
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