Erectile dysfunction treatment

Erectile dysfunction treatment without medication? With the P-shot 5.0, we aim for a natural solution. This is enhanced by ‘Pumping’.
erectile dysfunction treatment
The P-shot 5.0 treatment costs €647 per session. Treatment consists of a minimum of three treatment sessions after consultation with our urologists. Sessions are scheduled every 4 – 6 weeks.

Cause erectile dysfunction

Your erectile dysfunction is abbreviated as ED in the medical community. The origin of your ED may be psychological, physical, medicinal or a combination.
In all its variants, erectile failure anxiety can develop because you start thinking, ‘My penis will do it, won’t it?’ every time you try to have sex. As a result, you stay more in your head. Thus, a nascent erection disappears and, in the long run, so does your self-confidence and desire to have sex.


The P-shot 5.0 is a solution only if there is still some form of erection. If not, it is practical to make an appointment with our urologists and look for an alternative solution.
Additional benefits of a P-shot 5.0 is more feeling in your penis and a volume increase of about 10%, especially in thickness.

Do you use ESWT in the treatment of ED?

No, we deliberately chose to use the body’s own material to strengthen and renew the cells in the form of LR-PRP. The letters LR stand for ‘Leukocyte Ritch’. Leukocytes are white blood cells that ensure the creation of new blood vessels, supported by the exosomes.
The solution for erectile dysfunction in the form of the P-shot 5.0, uses LR-PRP 5.0. The treatment is based on over 10 years of experience in the use of PRP by US, Canadian and Belgian doctors.

Treatment for erectile dysfunction

You will make an appointment with our urologists together with a medical assistant. If you wish, a treatment session can be carried out afterwards. The period between making the appointment and the first treatment session is at least 2 weeks, as we need this period to ‘clean’ your blood. For this, you will receive a Personal PRP plan including guidelines to achieve optimal results.

Volume increase by Erectile dysfunction treatment

The ED treatment can cause an increase in volume of about 10%. As a result, we are frequently asked if the treatment also causes the penis to grow in length by about 10%?
The increased length is equal to the volume increase in width divided by two. Which stays for 6 months and then gradually decreases and returns at your next maintenance treatment session.
best treatment for erectile dysfunction
Calculation example: Suppose a penis has a thickness before PRP of 3 cm, then with a volume increase of about 10% after PRP, the thickness can be 3.3 cm. If you divide the increase in volume by 2, you arrive at 0.15 cm. This is the thickness that can be added in length at the head of the penis.

Private clinics

You will get your erectile dysfunction treatment at one of our specialised private clinics in the Antwerp region. Because of our scheduling method, we avoid long waiting times.


Private clinics are located outside the center of Antwerp. This prevents you from being bothered by traffic lights and traffic jams in the city. Also, you have the option of free parking.
We are treating men from: Torquay, Bath, Bristol, Norwich, London, Cardiff, Oxford, East Molesey, Birmingham, Leicester, Nottingham, Watford, Reading, Farnborough, Southampton, Glastonbury, Cambridge, Ipswich and many more places.


The distance from Calais to our clinics is about 2.5 hours.


The distance from Zaventem (Brussels airport) to our clinics is about 45 minutes by car or taxi. The distance from Deurne (Antwerp airport) to our clinics is about 30 minutes by car or taxi.

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