Andrological, Urological and Gynaecological solutions from ACREN Clinics with PRP 5.0.
ACREN Clinics
You can immediately make an appointment for a P-shot, (Priapus shot) and O-shot (also for vaginal dryness treatment).

First, a conversation with urologist

Peyronie treatment and (ED) erectile dysfunction treatment require speaking to an experienced urologist first.
The cost for the Peyronie’s consultation is €105 including an ultrasound and for ED it is €55- unless we can schedule a treatment session afterwards.

What is PRP 5.0?

The abbreviation PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma which is extracted from your blood by centrifuge. PRP 5.0 is LR-PRP where LR stands for ‘Leukocyte-Rich’. Leukocyte is the name for white blood cells. Within PRP 5.0, exosomes present in the blood are also activated.
Your blood consists of ± 55% plasma, ± 44% red blood cells, <1% white blood cells and 0.2% platelets. The centrifuge separates the plasma, platelets and white blood cells from the red blood cells.
PRP is injected into concentrated areas of the body to enhance or strengthen them. The treatment is performed by our experienced urologists.

Plasma, platelets, white blood cells and exosomes?

Plasma is 91.5% water and the remaining 8.5% consists of nutrients, vitamins, hormones, electrolytes and many blood proteins. The water in plasma makes it liquid and allows it to be injected.
Platelets are small disc-shaped cells formed in the bone marrow which contain granules containing over 300 bioactive substances and growth factors. They have no nucleus and cannot multiply. The lifespan of a platelet is 5 to 9 days. Platelets have a key role in building new connective tissue and restoring blood supply.
White blood cells provide more release of growth factors. which are directed to make blood vessels and exosomes. These are pieces of cell membrane, which ensure the activation of stem cells to make younger and new tissues or body cells.
You can observe change from: 6 weeks after the first treatment session to 6 months after the last session.

Number of treatment sessions

The minimum number of treatment sessions we assume is between three and five. This may be deviated from in consultation with the doctor, as every person is unique and responds differently to treatment.

The effect of PRP is very subtle:

Phase 1 (inflammatory phase, lasts about 7 days): The platelets start secreting the stored bioactive substances within 10 minutes of the injection, with more than 95% of the growth factors secreted within 1 hour and at the same time white blood cell recruitment is started. The remaining 5% is secreted in the remaining days of life of the platelets.
Phase 2 (proliferation phase, lasts about 6 weeks): In this phase, the body starts to create new tissue.
Phase 3 (remodelling phase, lasts 6 weeks – 6 months): In this phase, regeneration begins. The new tissue is remodelled and new blood vessels are created.
The PRP 5.0 application by ACREN Clinics is based on over 10 years of experience in the use of PRP by US, Canadian and Belgian doctors. This makes PRP 5.0 the most advanced PRP in the EU.

PRP 5.0 from ACREN Clinics.

PRP 5.0 has been available since 1 September 2024 and is also called LR-PRP. Patients who received treatments before this date have the choice of continuing with PRP 3.0 or switching to 5.0. The cost for both treatments is the same.
In PRP 3.0, we do not use leukocytes and exosomes.

Treatment plan

After your first treatment session, you will have your second session 4 – 6 weeks later and again 4 – 6 weeks later your third session. After that, you come back every 12 – 18 months for your maintenance treatment.
The three treatment sessions are part of the treatment plan which starts 2 – 4 weeks (depending on your current blood quality) before the first session and runs until 6 weeks after the third session, so in total the treatment lasts 31 – 33 weeks.
We count from the first telephone contact with your ACREN Clinics medical assistant to set treatment dates.
The maintenance treatment course lasts for 3 weeks, containing 1 treatment session.


We achieve the best possible results through good cooperation where you determine the quality of the blood and the effect of the PRP. You will find simple guidelines in your Personal PRP Plan.


PRP treatments are performed by our experienced urologists.

Legislation and regulation PRP

The protocol complies with European legislation MDR, FAGG regulations and clinical studies.
You will be contacted by our medical assistants.

LR-PRP treatment price

One PRP treatment is not the other, often skipping the preparatory process and there is no Personal PRP plan.
PRP is not about the quantity of PRP, but the quality of PRP. This is reflected in the concentration of platelets and the release level of growth factors including the activation of stem cells. This gives great results, which is why we use PRP 5.0.


Your medical assistant will contact you 12 weeks after your last treatment session to discuss progress.


PRP treatments are not (yet) reimbursed by health insurance companies.


On site, you can pay in cash or by debit card (Maestro, no credit cards).

Influence your PRP results?

You have a lot of influence on the blood quality when it is taken. After each treatment session, you have a lot of influence on the effect of the PRP.

Personal PRP plan

How you do this we explain in your Personal PRP Plan. In the plan we indicate when you need to do what on what date. This is in relation to the three treatment sessions.
For your Personal PRP Plan, you will be sent a link by email (no hotmail) with the login code that will take you to the page with your Personal PRP Plan.

Content Personal PRP plan

The plan starts 2 – 4 weeks before your first treatment session and runs until 6 weeks after the third session and addresses the following points, among others:
  • Cortisone
  • Anti-inflammatories
  • Antibiotics
  • Blood thinners
  • Cholesterol
  • Warmth
  • Exercise
  • Alcohol, tobacco, caffeine and drugs
  • Etc

Private clinics

You will receive your PRP treatment in one of our specialized private clinics in the Antwerp region, Belgium. Because of our way of planning, we avoid long waiting times.


Private clinics are located outside the center of Antwerp. This prevents you from being bothered by traffic lights and traffic jams in the city. Also, you have the option of free parking.
We are treating ladies and gentlemen from: Torquay, Bath, Bristol, Norwich, London, Cardiff, Oxford, East Molesey, Birmingham, Leicester, Nottingham, Watford, Reading, Farnborough, Southampton, Glastonbury, Cambridge, Ipswich and many more places.


The distance from Calais to our clinics is about 2.5 hours.


The distance from Zaventem (Brussels airport) to our clinics is about 45 minutes by car or taxi. The distance from Deurne (Antwerp airport) to our clinics is about 30 minutes by car or taxi.

ACREN Clinics, PRP, plaatjesrijk plasma, urologische PRP, PRP urologie, prp behandeling, prp shot, prp amsterdam, prp nederland, prp plan, prp afkorting


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